Danzig’s Book Club is a Lot Different than Oprah’s.
First, there is no Gayle and second, there is less prosecco. Tucked deep inside his London dungeon in Hollywood California, Glenn Danzig’s (The Misfits/Samhain/solo) bookshelf oozed with enough forbidden fruit to make Tipper Gore, the mother of all helicopter moms, clutch her pearls. During the filming of his documentary Home Video (1990) Danzig gave us a tour of his house, which basically included a weight bench and his collection of books and comic books. When he got to his books, he had the grin of a juvenile delinquent showing off a switchblade stolen from his mom’s boyfriend. It’s like an episode of Reading Rainbow where every color is black.
The Werewolf
Author: Montague Summers
Published: 1933
“There’s lots of great werewolf stories — all documented all true — and there’s one in particular that’s great where they’re looking for this guy who was accused of being a wolf and he comes out of this clearing shaking a baby in his mouth. That’s pretty cool. That’s the kind of stuff I like to read.”
Clergyman Montague Summers, the author of The Vampire, compiled this exhausting collection of storie, from folklore to ancient eyewitness accounts about werewolves , werejaguars, werelions, werefoxes, werebears (known as berserkers to the Norse) and yes, even werebadgers. To refer to Mr. Summers as “thorough” would be like calling Dave Attell “kinda funny.” This guy even translated into English a witch hunter’s manual from the 1500’s named the Malleus Maleficarum. The Werewolf is the perfect reference book for any horror writer.
The Occult Roots of Nazism
Author: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Published: 1985
“Every school child should have this book.” -Danzig
“Nazis. I hate these guys.” -Indiana Jones
This book explains all wacky occult justifications for the Third Reich.. The Thule Society, founded in 1918, had a profound effect on the Nazi movement. This secret society is where a young Adoft Hitler got to rub elbows with his mentor, antisemitic playwright and author, Dietrich Eckart. Just goes to show how small groups wield great power and that if you want to do something extra heinous, you need creepy white dudes to put on robes and light some candles and shit.
The Anthropology of Evil
Author: David J Parkin
Published: 1985
You can’t have good without evil, and you can’t have evil unless you define what it is. The Anthropology of evil breaks down what is and isn’t. Evil is dissected through the different lenses of Confucianism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Even God Himself is put on trial. I think all major religions can all agree that Thrall-Demonsweatlive is pretty evil.
The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden
Author William Hone
Published: 1926
“. . .Stuff that I guess most churches
wouldn’t want you to know about it
doesn’t fit in with their ideology of
Christ”- Danzig
According to the Lost Books of the Bible, the little lord Jesus was a bad boy, smiting the neighborhood kids whenever they pissed him off and generally acting like Superman unhinged. No one told Mary that raising the Christ child would be easy. Whenever she spanked him, he’d just turn the other cheek. Some people believe these books are like the unearthed deep tracks on the Beatles Anthology. Others consider them blasphemy. Danzig considers them “light reading.”
Here a bonafide theologian gives his learned take on the Lost Books of the Bible.
A Dictionary of Angels
Author: Gustav Davidson
Published: 1967
“. . . Tells you all the angels, their names, the
days they preside over, their hours, what their
functions are. If you believe in any of that
stuff.” -Danzig
If you want to go to heaven, it’s probably a good idea to know the staff’s names and their hierarchy if you don’t want to step on any sandaled toes. This book also addresses the fallen angels, the cheeky ones who said, “non serviam” to God and got booted from paradise. They gave a completely different Glassdoor review of working for the man upstairs (still beats working for Elon Musk). Remember, every time you read a Danzig book suggestion, a demon gets her scaly wings.